Cross Arthurlie Primary School
Fern Drive, Barrhead G78 1JF
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Nearest POIs
Fern Drive, Barrhead G78 1JF
Central Cafe
70 Cross Arthurlie Street, Barrhead G78 1RP
Norwood House
39 Victoria Road, Barrhead G78 1NQ
Oaks Medical Centre
1 Paisley Road, Barrhead G78 1HG
Barrhead Newsagents
80 Cross Arthurlie Street, Barrhead G78 1RP
Victoria Stores
54 Paisley Road, Barrhead G78 1ND
The Cafe on the Corner
Paisley Road, Barrhead G78 1NF
Bryers & Mulholland
7 Cogan Street, Barrhead G78 1QS
Cross Arthurlie Street, Barrhead G78 1QU
Carlibar Road, Barrhead G78 1BD
Wallace D
1 Graham Street, Barrhead G78 1EU
Nearest POIs from category School
Fern Drive, Barrhead G78 1JF
Castlehead High School
Camphill, Paisley PA1 2HL
Ralston Primary School
School Road, Paisley PA1 3
Carlibar School Campus
Carlibar Road, Barrhead G78 1BD
St Monica's R C Primary School
Kempsthorn Road, Glasgow G53 5SR
East Nursery School
Lacy Street, Paisley PA1 1QR
Play House Nursery
959 Crookston Road, Glasgow G53 7DT
Craigbank Nursery School
26 Glenlora Drive, Glasgow G53 6BH
Arthurlie Nursery School
Burnbank Drive, Barrhead G78 2ER
Househillmuir Primary School
Househillmuir Road, Glasgow G53 6HP
Glenburn Presive Centre
Colonsay Road, Paisley PA2 8HG