Our Lady's Primary School
Deanby Gardens, Belfast BT14 6NN
County Antrim
Northern Ireland
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Nearest POIs
Deanby Gardens, Belfast BT14 6NN
Cliftonville Golf Club
Westland Road, Belfast BT14 6NH
G P Commercials
16 Hillview Road, Belfast BT14 7BT
Church of the Resurrection
118 Cavehill Road, Belfast BT15 5BU
Rose McKenna
249 Oldpark Road, Belfast
157 Oldpark Road, Belfast BT14 6QP
Townsend & Duignan Dental Practice
462 Oldpark Road, Belfast BT14 6QG
Ashgrove Newsagency
290 Cliftonville Road, Belfast
Alliance Pharmacy
493 Oldpark Road, Belfast BT14 6QT
PD Rooney
161 Oldpark Road, Belfast BT14 6QP
Hedgehog & Bucket
538 Oldpark Road, Belfast
Nearest POIs from category School
Deanby Gardens, Belfast BT14 6NN
Cedar Lodge Controlled School
24 Lansdowne Park North, Belfast BT15 4AE
Currie (Controlled) Primary School
Limestone Road, Belfast BT15 3AJ
St Joseph's Primary School
Cullingtree Road, Belfast BT12 4BA
St Dominic's Grammar School for Girls
135 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 6AE
Bunscoil Bheann Mhadagain
Wyndham Drive, Belfast
Edmond Rice Primary School
9 Pim Street, Belfast BT15 2BN
St Malachys College
36 Antrim Road, Belfast BT15 2AA
Hope Controlled Nursery School
104 Hopewell Crescent, Belfast BT13 1DP
St Gemma's (Maintained) Girls School
Ardilea Street, Belfast BT14 7DG
Seaview (Controlled) Primary School
Seaview Drive, Belfast