Cellar Restaurant
24 East Green, Anstruther KY10 3AA
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Nearest POIs
24 East Green, Anstruther KY10 3AA
James Street
James Street, Anstruther KY10 3AY
28 Rodger Street, Anstruther KY10 3DU
The Royal Hotel
20 Rodger Street, Anstruther KY10 3DU
The Storeroom
20 Cunzie Street, Anstruther KY10 3DF
George H Barnett
35 Rodger Street, Cellardyke KY10 3HU
Family A Fayre
Cunzie Street, Anstruther KY10 3DF
Smugglers Inn
High Street, Anstruther KY10 3DH
East Neuk Dental Practice
9 East Shore, Anstruther KY10 3AB
Anstruther Tourist Information
East Shore, Anstruther KY10 3
Anstruther Medical Practise
Crail Road, Anstruther KY10 3EN
Nearest POIs from category Restaurant
24 East Green, Anstruther KY10 3AA
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West Green, Crail KY10 3RD
The Doll's House Restaurant
3 Church Square, St Andrews KY16 9NN
DR Noodles
84 Market Street, St Andrews KY16 9PA
The Beehive
High Street, Crail KY10 3RB
The Waterfront
17 Shore Street, Anstruther KY10 3BD
East Sands Beach Shop
Woodburn Place, East Sands KY16 8LA
College Street, St Andrews KY16 9AA
The Dining Room
Crails Lane, St Andrews KY16 9NR
Rockies Restaurant
Shore Road, Anstruther KY10 3DZ
The Canny Soul
81 South Street, St Andrews KY16 9QW