Bible Club Movement
41 Seymour Street, Lisburn
County Antrim
Northern Ireland
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Nearest POIs
41 Seymour Street, Lisburn
The Spectacle Centre
49 Bridge Street, Lisburn BT28 1XZ
Castle Gallery
13 Castle Street, Lisburn BT27 4SP
The Smile Shop
21 Sloan Street, Lisburn BT27 5AG
Andrews Bakery & Restaurant
17 Castle Street, Lisburn BT27 4SP
Rankin Cook
16 Gregg Street, Lisburn BT27 5AR
Chinese Medical Clinic
47 Bridge Street, Lisburn BT28 1XZ
Country Kitchen
Sloan Street, Lisburn BT27 5AF
House of Elliott Flowers
22 Castle Street, Lisburn BT27 4XD
Rowan Centre
Wallace Avenue, Lisburn
Thanks A Bunch
Sloan Street, Lisburn BT27 5AF
Nearest POIs from category Place of Worship
41 Seymour Street, Lisburn
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
3 Belsize Road, Lisburn BT27 4AL
Sisters of Mercy
2 Lever Street, Belfast BT14 8EF
Kinghan Church for the Deaf
13 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JG
St Michael the Archangel
206 Finaghy Road North, Belfast
Windsor Presbyterian Church
Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast BT9 6FL
Milltown Baptist Church
41 Old Milltown Road, Belfast BT8 7SW
Parish of Christ Church
Hillsborough Road, Lisburn BT28 1AQ
West Kirk Presbyterian Church
236 Shankill Road, Belfast BT13 2BJ
Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church
Moss Road, Lisburn BT27 4NW
Baha'I Council for Northern Ireland
399 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 7EW