St Peters Cathedral (RC)
St Peters Square South, Belfast BT12 4SB
County Antrim
Northern Ireland
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Nearest POIs
St Peters Square South, Belfast BT12 4SB
Clear Pharmacy
71 Shankill Road, Belfast
Falls Swim Centre
Falls Road, Belfast BT12 4PP
Clear Pharmacy
71 Shankill Road, Belfast
Grosvenor House Hostel
259 Grosvenor Road, Belfast
121 Albert Street, Belfast BT12 4HG
Shankill Leisure Centre
100 Shankill Road, Belfast
The Maureen Sheehan Centre
106 Albert Street, Belfast BT12 4HL
Shannons Coffee Shop
155 Northumberland Street, Belfast BT13 2JF
Laurel Leaf
155 Northumberland Street, Belfast BT13 2JF
Jackie's Quality Meats
131 Shankill Road, Belfast BT13 1FD
Nearest POIs from category Place of Worship
St Peters Square South, Belfast BT12 4SB
Sisters of Providence
6 Churchview Court, Belfast
Sisters of Adoration
63 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 4PD
Baha'I Council for Northern Ireland
399 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 7EW
Windsor Presbyterian Church
Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast BT9 6FL
Alim Christian Centre
120 Alexandra Park Avenue, Belfast BT15 3GJ
Christian Brothers
1 Jubilee Avenue, Belfast BT15 3BX
Kinghan Church for the Deaf
13 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JG
Fisherwick Presbyterian Church
4 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast BT9 5DJ
Presbyterian Chapel
12 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AY
Sisters of Mercy
614 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7GL