Fountain of Peace Ministries
3 Staffa Road, London E10 7PY
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Nearest POIs
3 Staffa Road, London E10 7PY
Ilyas Cash & Carry
Staffa Road, London E10 7QX
Mercedes Only
22 Rigg Approach, London E10 7QN
Dunlace Taxi Services
1 Lammas Road, London
Onur Prestige Motors
1 Lammas Road, London
Trade Your Business
Staffa Road, London E10 7QX
Village Diner
Argall Avenue, London E10 7QP
TRS International Foods
Argall Avenue, London E10 7QP
Lea Bridge Tyre Centre
91 Lea Bridge Road, London E10 7QL
15 Rigg Approach, London E10 7QN
Lea Bridge Industrial Estate
Lea Bridge Road, London E10 7DT
Nearest POIs from category Place of Worship
3 Staffa Road, London E10 7PY
Waltham Forest Islamic Association
439 Lea Bridge Road, London E10 7EA
St Mary of Eton
Eastway, London E9 5JB
St Patrick S Church Hall
Blackhorse Road, London E17 6NH
Balm of Gilead Healing & Deliverance Min
17 Riverside Close, London E5 9SP
Torchbearies Worldwide Ministry
Homerton Road, London
Bahai Lsa
2 The Crescent, London E17 8AB
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday
Hoe Street, London E17 9AA
International Islamic Dawah Centre
Etloe Road, London E10 7BT
C&S Church
Forest Business Park, London E10 7QE
St Barnabas C of E Church
109 Homerton High Street, London E9 6AN