Ava Street Pentecostal Church
7 Ava Street, Belfast
County Antrim
Northern Ireland
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Nearest POIs
7 Ava Street, Belfast
289 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 3GG
Holy Rosary Primary School
Sunnyside Crescent, Belfast BT7 3DB
Haypark Christain Centre
102 Haypark Avenue, Belfast BT7 3FF
Ava Garage
1 Ava Street, Belfast BT7 3BS
Wineflair Belfast
39 Agincourt Avenue, Belfast BT7 1QA
Botanic Inns
261 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 3GG
39 Agincourt Avenue, Belfast BT7 1QA
Bank of Ireland
306 Ormeau Road, Belfast
Soul Food Company
395 Ormeau Road, Belfast
Restaurant L'Eoile
407 Ormeau Road, Belfast
Nearest POIs from category Place of Worship
7 Ava Street, Belfast
Baha'I Council for Northern Ireland
399 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 7EW
Kinghan Church for the Deaf
13 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JG
St Peters Cathedral (RC)
St Peters Square South, Belfast BT12 4SB
West Kirk Presbyterian Church
236 Shankill Road, Belfast BT13 2BJ
Holy Family Presbytery
14 Newington Avenue, Belfast BT15 2HP
Divine Healing Ministries
32 Townsend Street, Belfast BT13 2ES
May Street Presbyterian Church
31 Little May Street, Belfast BT2 8LD
Logos Ministries
100 Ladas Drive, Belfast BT6 9FH
Alim Christian Centre
120 Alexandra Park Avenue, Belfast BT15 3GJ
Econi Religious Organisations
1 Brunswick Street, Belfast BT2 7GE