Maddens Bar
51 High Street, Antrim BT41 4AY
County Antrim
Northern Ireland
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Nearest POIs
51 High Street, Antrim BT41 4AY
Bank of Ireland
27 High Street, Antrim
John's Carpets
3 High Street, Antrim
Boots the Chemists
8 High Street, Antrim BT41 4AN
Railway Street
Railway Street, Antrim BT41 4AE
Bridge Street
Bridge Street, Antrim BT41 4DA
Vintage Wine Merchants Offlicense
33 Church Street, Antrim BT41 4BE
Oriel Surgery
Oriel Road, Antrim BT41 4HP
Bank of Ireland
27 High Street, Antrim
Antrim Discount Stores
64 Church Street, Antrim
13 Market Square, Antrim BT41 4AW
Nearest POIs from category Club, Night Club
51 High Street, Antrim BT41 4AY
Wayside Inn
25 Newmills Road, Ballyclare BT39 0DN
Imperial Bar
87 Wellington Street, Ballymena BT43 6AD
Halfway House
143 Carnlough Road, Ballymena BT43 7JW
Coach Bar
9 Galgorm Street, Ballymena BT43 5
CNM Inns
124 Hazelwood Avenue, Belfast BT17 0SZ
Cabin Bar
92 Broughshane Street, Ballymena BT43 6ED
Front Page Bar
9 Ballymoney Street, Ballymena
Five Corners Guest Inn
249 Rashee Road, Ballyclare BT39 9JN
Royal Signals SQN Bar
Fairfields Glen, Lisburn BT28 3
Diamond Pubs
28 Mallusk Road, Newtownabbey BT36 4PP